Orange Alert

Professor Melissa Chipman recognized with the Meredith Teaching Award for early career faculty

Melissa holding a lake core over her head

Posted on: Dec. 5, 2022

Assistant Professor Melissa Chipman has been honored with a 2022 Meredith Teaching Recognition Award! Professor Chipman teaches courses on climate change and environmental reconstruction, focusing on the Holocene. She brings her own research in the Arctic, using properties of lake cores collected from boreal and tundra ecosystems, into the classroom to illustrate key concepts and tell stories that make the science real and exciting for students. Professor Paul Fitzgerald writes in his nomination letter, “Professor Chipman brings dynamism and enthusiasm to the classroom, and she is also deeply engaged, thorough, caring, understanding, thoughtful, patient, perceptive and encouraging. As a dedicated researcher, she infuses her teaching style with the excitement of discovery and the significance of what she is teaching. Professor Chipman brings her experience into the classroom and has an innate ability to present, share and impart knowledge to students of all levels.” Students laud her for “creating a learning environment that is conducive to discussion and deep thinking without being stressful.” She fosters a classroom of inclusivity and empowerment, particularly for students from groups underrepresented in the sciences. Congratulations Professor Chipman!