John D.Caputo

John D.Caputo
Thomas J. Watson Professor Emeritus, Religion and Humanities
501 Hall of Languages
John D. Caputo is a hybrid philosopher/theologian intent on producing impure thoughts, thoughts which circulate between philosophy and theology, short-circuits which deny fixed and rigorous boundaries between philosophy and theology. Caputo treats "sacred" texts as a poetics of the human condition, or as a "theo-poetics," a poetics of the event harbored in the name of God. His past books have attempted to persuade us that hermeneutics goes all the way down (Radical Hermeneutics), that Derrida is a thinker to be reckoned with by theology (The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida), and that theology is best served by getting over its love affair with power and authority and embracing what Caputo calls, following St. Paul, The Weakness of God. He has also addressed wider-than-academic audiences in On Religion and What Would Jesus Deconstruct? and has an interest in interacting with the working church groups like ikon and the “Emergent” Church. He is currently working in a book on our frail and mortal flesh, probably to be entitled The Fate of All Flesh: A Theology of the Event, II.
Professor Caputo specializes in continental philosophy of religion, working on approaches to religion and theology in the light of contemporary phenomenology, hermeneutics and deconstruction, and also the presence in continental philosophy of radical religious and theological motifs. He has special interests in the "religion without religion" of Jacques Derrida; the "theological turn" taken in recent French phenomenology (Jean-Luc Marion and others); the critique of onto-theology; the question of post-modernism as "post-secularism;" the dialogue of contemporary philosophy with St. Augustine; the recent interest shown by philosophers in St. Paul; the link between Kierkegaard and deconstruction; Heidegger's early theological writings on Paul and Augustine; "secular" and "death of God" theology (Altizer, Vattimo, Zizek); medieval metaphysics and mysticism.
He conducts a series of biennial conferences on these themes: April, 2005, "St. Paul Among the Philosophers" (now available from Indiana University Press); April, 2007: "Feminism, Sexuality, and the Return of Religion" (in press with Indiana University Press); April, 2009: "The Politics of Love" (in preparation. The final conference, “The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion,” was held April 7-9, 2011.
Recently, three books have appeared about his work: Cross and Khora: Deconstruction and Christianity in the Work of John D. Caputo, Eds. Neal Deroo and Marko Zlomsic (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2010); A Passion for the Impossible: John D. Caputo in Focus, ed. Mark Dooley (SUNY Press, 2002) and Religion With/Out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo, ed. Ed. James Olthius (Routledge, 2002). Prof. Caputo joined the department in Fall, 2004 after retiring from Villanova University where he taught from 1968 to 2004.
Professor Caputo's The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event (Indiana, 2006) received the 2007 AAR Book Award for "Constructive-Reflective Studies in Religion." What would Jesus Deconstruct? was the winner of the ForeWord Magazine Best Philosophy Book of 2007 award.
Prof. Caputo retired at the end of the 2010-11 academic year.
- Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College (1968)
- M.A., Villanova University (1964)
- B.A., LaSalle University (1962)
- Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion and Humanities, Syracuse University, 2004 - present
- David R. Cook Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Villanova University, 2004 – present
- David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy, Villanova University, 1968-2004
- Visiting Professor, New School for Social Research, Spring, 1994
- Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Fordham University Graduate Program, 1985-88
- Visiting Professor, Fordham University, Fall, 1980
- Visiting Professor, Duquesne University, Fall, 1978
- Instructor, St. Joseph's University (Philadelphia, 1965-68)
- Dupa moartea lui Dumnezeu, trans. Cristian Cercel (Romania: Griffon and Swans Productions, 2008) (Romanian translation of After the Death of God).
- Después De La Muerte De Dios: Conversaciones Sobre Religion Politica Y Cultura (Madrid: Paidos, 2010). Spanish translation of: Gianni Vattimo and John D. Caputo, After the Death of God, ed. Jeffrey Robbins (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007).
- La deconstrucción en una cáscara de nuez, Spanish translation of Deconstruction in a Nutshell by Gabriel Merlino (Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2009).
- Korean translation of How to Read Kierkegaard (Woongjin Think Big Co., Ltd, 2008).
- Des Confessions: Jacques Derrida, Saint Augustin, trans. Pierre-Emmanuel Suazat (Paris: Éditions Stock, 2007). French translation of: Augustine and Postmodernism: Confessions and Circumfession.
- Radikalnejša hermenevtika - O tem, da ne vemo, kdo smo - Zbrika Aut (Press: Društvo Apokalipsa, 2007). Slovenian translation of More Radical Hermeneutics.
- What Would Jesus Deconstruct? Chinese Translation by Daniel Chan, in the Chung Yuan Christian University Christian Studies Series published by the Taiwan Christian Literature Council, a division of CCLM Publishing Group, 2009.
- On Religion. Korean translation, 2004.
- Sobre la Relgion, trans. Marta Galvez (Madrid: Editorial Technos, 2005) (Spanish translation of On Religion.)
- Agama Cinta, Agama Masa Depan (Jakarta, 2004). Indonesian translation of On Religion.
- Deconstruction in a Nutshell (Fordham, 1997) Japanese translation byToru Takahashi (Housei-University Press, 2004).
- Religie, trans. Arend Smilde (Routledge: Amsterdam, 2002) (Dutch translation of On Religion).
- Desmitificando Heidegger, trans. Leonor Aguior, Collection: Pensamento e Filosofia (Lisboa: Instituto Piaget,1998). Portugese translation of Demythologizing Heidegger (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993).
- Heidegger and Aquinas has been translated into Korean (Fordham University Press, 1982).
John D. Caputo (London: Penguin Books, 2013).
Cross and Khora: Deconstruction and Christianity in the Work of John D. Caputo
ed. Marko Zlomislic and Neal DeRoo (Pickwick, 2010).
Religion, Metaphysics, and the Postmodern: William Desmond and John D. Caputo
Christopher Ben Simpson (Indiana University Press, 2009).
A Passion for the Impossible: John D. Caputo in Focus
ed. Mark Dooley (Albany: SUNY Press, 2003). This includes a series of studies of my work, my responses, and a interview conducted by Mark Dooley with Jacques Derrida about my interpretation of the religious element in Derrida's work.
Religion With/out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo
ed. James Olthuis (London and New York: Routledge, 2001). This includes a series of studies of my work, my responses, and a interview with me about the direction of my thought.
The Very Idea of Radical Hermeneutics
ed. Roy Martinez (Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1997)
- Emergent Village Podcast 2007 Theological, Philosophical Conversation: John D. Caputo and Richard Kearney
- Homebrewed Christianity: An Interview with John D. Caputo
- "Good Soup and Other Gifts" in With Gifted Thinkers: Conversations With Caputo, Hart, Horner, Kearney, Keller, Rigby, Taylor, Wallace, Westphal (European University Studies: Series 23, Theology, Vol. 896), ed. Mark Manolopoulos (Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna: Peter Lang Pub Inc., 2009).
- "In Praise of Devilish Hermeneutics," in Thinking Othewise: Difference and Pedagogy, ed. Julian Humphreys (Fordham University Press, forthcoming).
- "A Theology of Our Desire: A Dialogue with John D. Caputo," Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics, 19/20 (2008): 159-175.
- "An Interview with John D. Caputo," Homebrewed Christianity (2008) online at:
- "From Radical Hermeneutics to the Weakness of God: John D. Caputo in Dialogue with Mark Dooley," ed. Ian Leask, Philosophy Today, 51:2 (Summer, 2007): 216-26. Reprinted in "From Radical Hermeneutics to the Weakness of God: An Interview with John D. Caputo, Conducted by Mark Dooley," Oregon Extension Journal (Ashland, OR), Vol. 8 (Fall, 2006): 5-10.
- "On the Power of the Powerless," in Gianni Vattimo with John D. Caputo, After the Death of God, ed. Jeffrey Robbins (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), 114-60.
- "Loosening Philosophy's Tongue: A Conversation with Jack Caputo," with Carl Raschke, Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol. 3, No. 2 (April, 2002). An on-line journal:
- "What Do I Love When I Love My God?: An Interview with John D. Caputo," with Keith Putt, in Religion With/out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo, ed. James H. Olthuis (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 150-179.
- BBC/Ulster, Interview by William Crawley, May 1, 2005.
- BBC, World Report, May, 2001, "Is Star Wars a Religion?"
- Radio Canada International on March 13 & March 17, 2002. "One often hears the statement 'God is dead'."
- Australian National Radio, "The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida."
- "Caputo, John D.," in Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, eds. Victor E. Taylor and Charles E. Winquist (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp.46-47.
- "Caputo, John D.," in Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- "Caputo, John D.," in
- American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly , 64 (May, 1995), Guest Editor, "Heidegger Issue." "Presenting Heidegger," pp. 129-33.
- Philosophy Today , 40:1 (Spring, 1996), Co-Editor (with Lenore Langsdorf), "Phenomenology and Beyond," Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 21.
- Philosophy Today, 41:1 (Spring, 1997), Co-Editor (with Debra Bergoffen), "Other Openings," Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 22.
- Book Review: Christopher Watkin, Difficult Atheism: Post-Theological Thinking in Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy and Quentin Meillassoux,in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, June, 10, 2012.
- "Voir Venir: How Far Plasticity Can Be Stretched," in theory@buffalo, vol. 16 (2012), Special issue on "Plastique: The Dynamics of Catherine Malabou: 107-123.
- "Augustine and Postmodernism," in A Companion to Augustine, ed. Mark Vessey (Oxford)
- "Heidegger's Philosophy of Science," in Heidegger on Science, ed. Trish Glazebrook (Albany:SUNY Press, 2012), 261-80 (Reprinted from Rationality, Relativism and the Human Sciences, ed. Joseph Margolis (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1986), pp.43-60. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2012), pp. 492-504.
- "The Promise of the World," Transfiguration: Nordic Journal of Christianity and the Arts (Museum Tusclanum: University of Copenhagen), Vol. 10 (2010/11): 13-32.
- "On the Wings of Angels: Post-humanism and Info-technotheology," The Twenty-Sixth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, ed. Jeffrey McCurry(Pittsburgh: The Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University, 2011): 8-28.
- "God, Perhaps: The Diacritical Hermeneutics of God in the Work of Richard Kearney," Philosophy Today, "SPEP Supplement," 2011: 56-64.
- Hospitality and the Trouble with God," in Phenomenologies of the Stranger: Between Hostility and Hospitality, eds. Richard Kearney and Kascha Semenovitch(New York: Fordham University Press 2011), 83-97.
- "The Return of Anti-Religion: From Radical Atheism to Radical Theology," Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol. 11, No.2 (Spring 2011), 32-125.
- "The Perversity of the Absolute, the Perverse Core of Hegel, and the Possibility of Radical Theology, in Hegel and the Infinite: Religion, Politics, and Dialectic, eds. Clayton Crockett, Creston Davis and Slavoj Zizek (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011), 47-66.
- "Continental Philosophy of Religion," in A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, 2nd edition, eds. Paul Draper, Charles Taliaferro and Philip Quinn (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), pp.667-73.
- "The Weakness of God and the Iconic Logic of the Cross," in Cross and Chora: Deconstruction and Christianity in the Work of John D. Caputo, Eds. Neal Deroo and Marko Zlomsic (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2010), pp.15-36.
- "Why the Church Deserves Deconstruction," Preface to the Chinese translation of What Would Jesus Deconstruct?
- "The Sense of God: A Theology of the Event with Special Reference to Christianity," in Between Philosophy and Theology: Contemporary Interpretations of Christianity, eds. Lieven Boeve and Christophe Brabant (Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2010), 27-42.
- "The Gap God Opens," Tikkun (Vol. 25,No. 2: March-April, 2010): 41
- "Praying for an Earthier Jesus: A Theology of Flesh," in I More Than Others: Responses to Evil and Suffering, ed. Eric R. Serverance (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), pp. 6-27.
- “Virtually Invisible: On Seeing in the Dark,” in On Race and Racism: Confessions in Philosophy: In America, ed. Roy Martinez (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010), pp. 3-28.
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1980-1984 1975-1979 1970-1974
- "The Weakness of God and the Iconic Logic of the Cross," in Cross and Chora: Deconstruction and Christianity in the Work of John D. Caputo, Eds. Neal Deroo and Marko Zlomsic (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2010), pp. 15-36.
- "Good Soup and Other Gifts" [Interview] in With Gifted Thinkers: Conversations With Caputo, Hart, Horner, Kearney, Keller, Rigby, Taylor, Wallace, Westphal (European University Studies: Series 23, Theology, Vol. 896), ed. Mark Manolopoulos (Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna: Peter Lang Pub Inc., 2009).
- "Bodies Still Unrisen, Events Still Unsaid: A Hermeneutic of Bodies without Flesh,” Apophatic Bodies: Negative Theology, Incarnation, and Relationality, eds. Chris Boesel and Catherine Keller (Fordham University Press, 2009), 94-116; previously published in Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, Vol. 12, No. 1 (April 2007): 73-86.
- Discussion: Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2009.09.33: Slavoj Žižek and John Milbank, The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic?, Creston Davis (ed.), MIT Press, 2009, 312pp., $27.95 (hbk), ISBN 9780262012713.
- “Listening to the Voices of the Dead: The Heterological Historian in Gill and Wyschogrod,” in Saintly Influence: Texts for Edith Wyschogrod, ed. Eric Boynton and Martin Kravka (New York: Fordham University Press, 2008), 161-74.
- “What is Merold Westphal’s Critique of Onto-theology Criticizing?” in Gazing through a Prism Darkly: Reflections on Merold Westphal’s Hermeneutical Epistemology, ed. B. Keith Putt (New York: Fordham University Press, 2009), 100-15.
- Review: Mark Taylor, After God, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 77 (March, 2009): 162-65.
- “Oltre la sovranità: molte nazioni, sotto un Dio debole,” Iride: Filosofia e discussione pubblica (Società editrice il Mulino, Italy): Vol. 21, No. 54 (August, 2008): 323-336. Italian translation of: “Beyond Sovereignty: Many Nations Under the Weakness of God,” Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 89.1-2 (Spring-Summer, 2006): 21-35.
- "In His Steps: A Postmodern Edition" Excerpt from Chapter 1 of What Would Jesus Deconstruct? in Global Spiral, Feb. 6, 2008, electronic journal published by the Metanexus Institute (
- "Why the Church Deserves Deconstruction: A Preface to the Chinese Translation [of What Would Jesus Deconstruct?"]
- "Living by Love: A Quasi-Apostolic carte postale on Love in itself, if There is Such a Thing," Transforming Philosophy and Religion: Love's Wisdom, eds. Bruce Benson and Norman Wirzba (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008), 103-17.
- "A Theology of Our Desire: A Dialogue with John D. Caputo," Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics, 19/20 (2008): 159-175.
- "An Interview with John D. Caputo," Homebrewed Christianity (2008) online at:
- "Having Faith in Reason: A Response to Professor Wiebe” The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 2 (September, 2008): 85-86.
- "Open Theology-Or What Comes After Secularism?" The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 2 (April, 2008): 45-49.
- "A Taste for Theory," "Preface" to The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken: The New Politics of Religion in the United States, eds. Jeffrey W. Robbins and Neal Magee (New York: Continuum, 2008).
- "In Defense of St. Elsewhere: A Response to a Symposium on What Would Jesus Deconstruct?" posted on the "Church and Postmodern Culture" blog (February 18, 2008):
- “Richard Rorty: In Memoriam,” Cross Currents (Fall, 2007): 434-38. Also published electronically in The Global Spiral (A Publication of the Metanexus Institute) 8:5 (August, 2007) available at
- “Avant la création: le souvenir de dieu de Derrida,” trans. Patrick Dimascio, in Derrida pour les temps à venir, ed. René Major (Paris: Editions Stock, 2007), 140-58. [Translation of “Before Creation: Derrida’s Memory of God,” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 39:3 (September, 2006): 91-102.
- “Die Tränen und Gebete einer diabolishen Hermeneutic: Derrida und Meister Eckhart,” trans. Jochen Schmidt, in Dem Geheimnis auf der Spur, ed. Susanne Klinger und Jochen Schmidt (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007), 125-46. Translation of ch. 10 of More Radical Hermeneutics.
- “Temporal Transcendence: The Very Idea of à venir in Derrida,” in Transcendence and Beyond eds. John D. Caputo and Michael Scanlon (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007).
- “From Radical Hermeneutics to the Weakness of God: John D. Caputo in Dialogue with Mark Dooley,” ed. Ian Leask, Philosophy Today, 51:2 (Summer, 2007): 216-26.
- Review: Jean-Luc Marion, The Erotic Phenomenon in: Ethics, vol. 118 (October, 2007).
- "Bodies Still Unrisen, Events Still Unsaid," Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 12:1 (April, 2007): 73-86.
- "The Hyperbolization of Phenomenology: Two Possibilities for Religion in Recent Continental Philosophy," Counter-Experiences: Reading Jean-Luc Marion, ed. Kevin Hart (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), pp. 66-93.
- "The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event" in The Mouring After: Attending the Wake of Postmodernism, eds. Neil Brooks and Josh Toth, Postmodern Studies 40 (Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi, 2007), pp. 285-302.
- "Theopoetic/Theopolitic" (with Catherine Keller), Cross-Currents, 56:4 (Winter, 2006-7).
- "From Radical Hermeneuticss to the Weakness of God: An Interview with John D. Caputo, Conducted by Mark Dooley," Oregon Extension Journal (Ashland, OR), Vol. 8 (Fall, 2006): 5-10.
- "On Being Clear about Faith: A Response to Stephen Williams," Books and Culture: A Christian Review, Vol. 12, No. 6 (November/December, 2006): 40-42.
- "Without Sovereignty, Without Being: Unconditionally, the Coming God and Derrida's Democracy to Come," in Religion and Violence in a Secular World, ed. Clayton Crockett (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2006), pp. 137-56.
- "Atheism, A/theology and the Postmodern Condition," in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, ed. Michael Martin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 267-82.
- "Beyond Sovereignty: Many Nations Under the Weakness of God," Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 89.1-2 (Spring-Summer, 2006): 21-35.
- "Before Creation: Derrida's Memory of God," Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 39:3 (September, 2006): 91-102.
- Hauntological Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of Christian Faith: On Being Dead Equal Before God," Hermeneutics at the Crossroads, ed. Kevin Vanhoozer, James K. A. Smith and Bruce Ellis Benson (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006), pp.95-111.
- "Looking the Impossible in the Eye: Kierkegaard, Derrida, and the Repetition of Religion," Chinese Translation by Wang Qi in World Philosophy, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2006): 4-21 [English original in Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2002, ed. Niels Cappelorn (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002), pp. 1-25.]
- "The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida" and "Laughing, Praying, Weeping before God: A Response [to the papers of David Wood, Edith Wyschogrod and Francis Ambrosio]" in S. Clark Buckler and Matthew Statler, Styles of Piety: Practicing Philosophy after the Death of God (New York: Fordham University Press, 2006), pp.193-204 and 253-69.
- "Richard Kearney's Enthusiasm," in After God: Richard Kearney and the Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy, ed. John Manoussakis (New York: Fordham University Press, 2006), pp. 309-19.
- "Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)," Cross Currents, Vol. 55, No. 4 (Winter, 2006): 564-67.
- "Methodological Postmodernism: On Merold Westphal's "Overcoming Onto-Theology," Faith and Philosophy, 22, No. 3 (July, 2005): 284-96.
- “Against Ethics,” in The Sheed & Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy, eds. James C. Swindal and Harry J. Gentler, S.J. (Langham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, A Sheed and Ward Book, 2005), pp.510-22. [Reprint, excerpted from “Reason, History and a Little Madness: Towards an Ethics of the Kingdom,” in Questioning Ethics: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy, ed. Richard Kearney and Mark Dooley. New York: Routledge, 1999.]
- “Jacques Derrida and the Future of Religion” accompanied by a Portugese translation: “Jacques Derrida e o Futuro da Religião,” trans. Jaci Maraschino, Margens: Revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos sobre Pós-modernidade, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2005) (
- “In Praise of Ambiguity,” in Ambiguity in the Western Mind, eds. Craig J. N. De Paulo (New York: Lang Pub. Co., 2005), pp. 15-34.
- "Hyperbolic Justice: Deconstruction, Myth and Politics," in Emmanuel Levinas: Critical Assessments, ed. Claire Elise Katz with Lara Trout (New York and London: Routledge, 2005), vol. 4, pp. 67-84; reprinted from Research in Phenomenology 21 (1991): 3-20.
- "The Experience of God and the Axiology of the Impossible," in The Experience of God: A Postmodern Response, eds. Kevin Hart and Barbara E. Wall (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), pp. 20-41.
- "Foreword: Of Hyper-Realty," in Ewan Ferne, Spiritual Shakespeares (New York and London: Routledge, 2005), pp. xiii-xv.
- "Emmet Cole Interviews John D. Caputo," The Modern World (May, 2005) (
- "Hauntological Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of Christian Faith: On Being Dead Equal Before God," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 79, 2 (2005): 291-311.
- "Filosofia e Posmodernismo Profetico," Revista Potuguesa de Filosofia, 60, No. 4 (2004): 827-43 [Portuguese translation of "Philosophy and Prophetic Postmodernism: Toward a Catholic Postmodernity," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 74: 4 (Autumn, 2000): 549-568.
- "Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)," Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, 6:1 (December, 2004) (
- “Deconstruction,”entry in Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, 15 vols., ed. Lindsay Jones (New York: Thomson Gale, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005), pp. 2245-48.
- “Death Sentence: The Promise of Death in Amos and Derrida,” in Derrida and Theology: Other Testaments, ed. Yvonne Sherwood (London: Routledge, 2004).
- “Jacques Derrida (1930-2004),” Third Way (London), December 24, 2004.
- “La Philosophie et le postmodernisme prophétique: Vers une post-modernité Catholique,” trans. Jean Greisch, in Raison philosophique et Christianisme à l’aube du IIIe. Millénaire, eds. Philippe Capelle and Jean Greisch (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2004), pp. 141-62; French trans. of “Philosophy and Prophetic Postmodernism: Toward a Catholic Postmodernity,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 74: 4 (Autumn, 2000): 549-568.
- L'“idée même de l’à venir, ” La démocratie à venir: autour de Jacques Derrida, ed. Marie-Louise Mallet (Paris: Galilée, 2004), pp. 295-306.
- “Délier la langue,” L’Herne: Derrida, eds. Marie-Louise Mallet and Ginette Michaud (Paris: Editions de l’Herne, 2004), pp. 66-70.
- “Foreword” to In Deference to the Other: Lonergan and Contemporary Continental Thought, eds. Mark Doorley and Jim Kanaris (Albany: SUNY Press, 2004), pp. vii-xiii.
- "No Tear Shall Be Lost: The History of Prayers and Tears," Ethics of History, eds. David Carr, Thomas Flynn and Rudolph Makkreel (Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 2004), pp. 91-117.
- “Olthuis’s Risk: A Heretical Tribute,” in The Hermeneutics of Charity: Interpretation, Selfhood and Postmodern Faith, eds. James K. A. Smith and Henry IsaacVenema (Grand Rapids: Baker/Brazos Press, 2004), pp. 41-51.
- “Good Will and the Hermeneutics of Friendship: Gadamer, Derrida and Madison,” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 8, no. 2 (Summer, 2004): 213-25. (Special issue entitled “Working Through Postmodernity: Essays in Honor of Gary B. Madison,” ed. Paul Fairfield).
- “Love Among the Deconstuctibles: A Response to Prof. Lambert,” Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol 5.2 (June, 2004),
- “Either/Or, Undecidability, and Two Concepts of Irony: Kierkegaard and Derrida,” in The New Kierkegaard, ed. Elsebet Jegstrup (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004), pp. 14-41.
- “Apostles of the Impossible: God and the Gift in Derrida and Marion,” Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology, No. 20 (Spring, 2004), pp. 51-88. [Chinese Translation of same in God, the Gift and Postmodernism, eds. John D. Caputo and Michael J. Scanlon (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999), pp. 185-222.
- “Apôtres de l'impossible: sur Dieu et le don chez Derrida et Marion,” trans. Sophie-Jan Arrien, Philosophie, (Les Éditions de Minuit) No. 78 (June, 2003): 33-51. [Translation of “Apostles of the Impossible: Derrida and Marion,” in God, the Gift and Postmodernism, eds. John D. Caputo and Michael J. Scanlon (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999), pp. 185-222.]
- “God and Anonymity: Prolegomena to an Ankhoral Religion,” in A Passion for the Impossible: John D. Caputo in Focus, ed. Mark Dooley (Albany: SUNY Press, 2003), pp. 1-19.
- “The Experience of God and the Axiology of the Impossible,” Religion after Metaphysics, ed. Bert Dreyfus and Mark Wrathall (London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 123-45.
- “There Are No Truths, Only Texts,” ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, 31 (2003): 13-22.
- “Jad oddzielic strone lew (niewlasciwa) od prawej (wlasciwej),” trans. Artur Przybystawki, Sztuka I Filozofia, 22-23 (2003): 14-21. Polish translation of "Telling Left from Right: Hermeneutics, Deconstruction, and the Work of Art," Journal of Philosophy , 83 (1986), 678-85.
- “Die diff é rance und die Sprache des Gebets,” trans. Artur Boederl, in Die Sprachen der Religion, eds. Florain Uhl and Artur R. Boederl (Berlin: Parerga Verlag, 2003), pp. 293-316. Translation of “Tears Beyond Being,” infra.
- “Derrida and Marion: Two Husserlian Revolutions,” in Religious Experience and the End of Metaphysics, ed. Jeffrey Bloechl (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003), pp. 119-34.
- “Without Sovereignty, Without Being: Unconditionality, the Coming God and Derrida's Democracy to Come,” Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol 4, No. 3 (August, 2003).
- “More Rogues Than You Think: Derrida on the Cruel Logic of Sovereignty,” France Today: The Journal of French Travel and Culture, Vol 18, no. 7 (September, 2003): 21-26.
- “Is There a Forbidden Knowledge,” in Im Einsatz für Bildung und Erziehung: Festsschrift zum 70. Geburststag Prof. Dr. Joseph McCafferty, ed. Tadeusz Guz (Kisselegg: Fe-Medienverlag, 2003), pp. 51-70.
- “On Not Knowing Who We Are: Madness, Hermeneutics and the Night of Truth in Foucault,” in Michel Foucault and Theology, eds. James Bernauer and Jeremy Carrette (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Press, 2003), pp. 117-39. [Reprint of ch. 1 of More Radical Hermeneutics]
- “After Jacques Derrida Comes the Future,” The Journal of Culture and Religious Theory, vol. 4, No. 2 (April, 2003). (An electronic journal:
- "Tears Beyond Being: Derrida's Experience of Prayer," Théologie négative ed. Marco M. Olivetti (Padua: CEDAM, 2002), pp. 861-880.
- “Confessions of a Postmodern Catholic: From St. Thomas to Derrida,” eds. Curtiss Hancock and Robert Sweetman, in Faith and the Intellectual Life (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2003), pp. 64-92.
- “Against Principles: A Sketch of an Ethics without Ethics,” in The Ethical: Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy, ed. Edith Wyschogrod and Charles McKenny (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), pp. 169-180.
- “For the Love of the Things Themselves: Derrida's Phenomenology of the Hyper-Real,” Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, 1.3 (July, 2000), Reprinted in Fenomenologia Hoje II: Significado e Linguagem, Eds. Ricardo Timm de Souza and Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveria (Porto Allegre, Brazil: EDIPUCRS, 2002), pp. 37-60.
- “Good Will and the Hermeneutics of Friendship: Gadamer and Derrida ,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 28 (2002): 512-22.
- “Auto-deconstructing or Constructing a Bridge? A Reply to Thomas A. F. Kelly,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 76 (2002): 341-44.
- “Looking the Impossible in the Eye: Kierkegaard, Derrida, and the Repetition of Religion,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2002, ed. Niels Cappelorn (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002), pp. 1-25.
- “In Search of a Sacred Anarchy: An Experiment in Danish Deconstruction,” in Calvin Schrag and the Task of Philosophy after Postmodernity, ed. William McBride and Martin Matuskik (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2002), pp. 226-250.
- “Por amor as coisas mesmas: o hiper-realismo de Derrida,” trans. Paulo Cesar Duque-Estrada in As Margens: A proposito de Derrida, ed. Paulo Cesar Duque-Estrada (Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC, 2002), pp. 29-48. [Portugese translation of “For the Love of the Things Themselves”)
- “We Are Not God: A Response to Stanley Fish, ‘On Relativism',” The Responsive Community, 12 (Summer, 2002): 52-55.
- “Loosening Philosophy's Tongue: A Conversation with Jack Caputo,” with Carl Raschke, Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol. 3, No. 2 (April, 2002). An on line journal:
- "Richard Kearney's Enthusiasm: A Philosophical Exploration of The God Who May Be," Modern Theology 18:1 (January, 2002): 87-94.
- “The Time of Giving, the Time of Forgiving,” in The Enigma of Gift and Sacrifice eds. Edith Wyschogrod, Jean-Joseph Goux, and Eric Byonton (New York: Fordham University Press, 2002), pp. 117-47.
- “Hoping in Hope, Hoping against Hope: A Response,” in Religion With/out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo, ed. James H. Olthuis (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 120-149.
- “What Do I Love When I Love My God?: An Interview with John D. Caputo,” in Religion With/out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo, ed. James H. Olthuis (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 150-179.
- “Messianic Postmodernism,” Philosophy of Religion in the 21st Century, eds. D. Z. Phillips and Timothy Tessin (Hampshire, England: Macmillan/Palgrave, 2001), Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, pp. 153-66.
- “God is not diff é rance ,” in Deconstruction: A Reader, ed. Martin McQuillan (New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 458-63 (an excerpt from The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida anthologized here).
- “The Poetics of the Impossible and the Kingdom of God,” in The Blackwell Companion to Postmodern Theology, ed. Graham Ward (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001), pp. 469-481.
- “The Absence of Monica: Heidegger, Derrida, and Augustine's Confessions,” in Heidegger and Feminism, ed. Patricia Huntington and Nancy Holland (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001), pp. 149-64.
- “Introduction: Who Comes After the God of Metaphysics?” in Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy: The Religious, editor John D. Caputo (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001).
- “What do I Love When I Love my God: Deconstruction and Radical Orthodoxy,” in Questioning God, eds. John D. Caputo, Mark Dooley, Michael Scanlon (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001), pp. 291-317.
- “Philosophy and Prophetic Postmodernism: Toward a Catholic Postmodernity,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 74: 4 (Autumn, 2000): 549-568. French Translation: “La Philosophie et le postmodernisme prophetique: Vers une post-modernit é Catholique,” trans. Philippe Capelle and Jean Greisch, UNESCO Proceedings.
- "People of God, People of Being: The Theological Presuppositions of Heidegger's Path of Thought," in Appropriating Heidegger, eds. James Faulkoner and Mark Wrathall (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 85-100.
- "For Love of the Things Themselves: Derrida's Hyper-Realism," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol. 1, No. 3 (August, 2000). Electronic journal (
- "Otherwise than Ethics, Or Why We Too are Sill Impious," in American Continental Philosophy: A Reader, eds. W. Brogan and J. Risser (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000), pp. 261-293.
- "Adieu sans Dieu: Derrida and Levinas," in The Face of the Other and the Trace of God: Essays on the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas, ed. Jeff Bloechl. New York: Fordham University Press, 2000), pp. 276-311.
- "The End of Ethics," in Blackwell Studies in Ethics, ed. Hugh Follette (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000), pp. 111-128.
- "Metanoetics: Elements of a Postmodern Christian Philosophy," Christian Philosophy Today (New York: Fordham University Press, 1999), pp. 189-223.
- "Postmodernism, Postsecularism, and the New World Disorder," in Europe after 1989: A Culture in Crisis? (Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Center for German and European Studies, 1999), pp. 25-41.
- "Who is Derrida's Zarathustra: Of Friendship, Fraternity and a Democracy to Come," Research in Phenomenology, 29 (1999): 184-198.
- "Toward a Postmodern Theology of the Cross: Heidegger, Augustine, Derrida," in Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, ed. Merold Westphal. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999), pp. 202-225.
- "Apostles of the Impossible: Derrida and Marion," in God, the Gift and Postmodernism, eds. John D. Caputo and Michael J. Scanlon (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999), pp. 185-222.
- "On Mystics, Magi, and Deconstructionists," in Portraits of American Continental Philosophers, ed. James Watson (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999), pp. 24-33; German Trans. Neue Amerikanische Philosophinnen in Selbstdarstellungen, ed. James Watson (Frankfurt: Verlag Turia + Kant, 1998), pp. 60-72.
- "Heidegger," in Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. Allan D. Fitzgerald, O.S.A. (Grand Rapids: Erdmanns, 1999), pp. 421-22.
- "Commentary on Ken Schmitz: "Postmodernism and the Catholic Tradition," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 73:2 (Spring, 1999): 253-260.
- "Heidegger's Revolution: An Introduction to the Introduction to Metaphysics," in Heidegger toward the Turn: Essays onthe Work of the 1930s, ed. James Risser (Albany: SUNY Press, 1999), pp. 53-74 [Reprint of ch. 3 of Demythologizing Heidegger]
- "Reason, History and a Little Madness: Towards an Ethics of the Kingdom," in Questioning Ethics: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy, ed. Richard Kearney and Mark Dooley. New York: Routledge, 1999. Pp. 84-104.
- "Postmodernism and the Desire for God: An Email Conversation with Edith Wyschogrod, Cross-Currents, 48, No. 3 (Fall, 1998): 293-310.
- "An American and a Liberal: John D. Caputo's Response to Michael Zimmerman, Continental Philosophy Review, 31, 2 (1998): 215-220.
- "To the Point of a Possible Confusion: God and il y a," in Levinas: The Face of the Other. Pittsburgh: Simon Silverman Center, Duquesne University, 1998. Pp. 1-36.
- "God is Wholly Other-Almost," in The Otherness of God, ed. Orrin F. Summerell (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1998), pp. 190-205.
- "Heidegger," in A Companion to Continental Philosophy, eds. Simon Critchley and William Schroeder (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998), pp. 223-233.
- "Dasein," in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997), pp. 133-137.
- "Dreaming of the Innumerable: Derrida, Drucilla Cornell, and the Dance of Gender," in Derrida and Feminism: Recasting the Question of Woman, eds. Ellen Feder, Mary C. Rawlinson, Emily Zakin (New York: Routledge, 1997), pp. 141-160.
- "A Philosophical Propaedeutic: The Very Idea of Radical Hermeneutics" (with Roy Martinez) in The Very Idea of Radical Hermeneutics, ed. Roy Martinez (Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1997), pp. 13-21.
- "Firing the Steel of Hermeneutics: Hegelianized Hermeneutics vs. Radical Hermeneutics," in Hegel, History, and Interpretation, ed. Shaun Gallagher (Albany: SUNY Press, 1997), pp. 59-70.
- "A Community without Truth: Derrida and the Impossible Community," Research in Phenomenology, 26 (1996): 25-37.
- "Soll die Philosophie das letzte Wort haben? Levinas und der junge Heidegger über Philosophie und Glauben," in Festschrift for Hugo Ott, ed. Hermann Schäfer (Bonn: Haus der Geschichte. 1996.)
- "Instants, Secrets, Singularities: Dealing Death in Kierkegaard and Derrida," in Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity, eds. Martin Matustik and Merold Westphal (Blooomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), pp. 216-38.
- "Dark Hearts: Heidegger, Richardson, and Evil," in From Phenomenology to Thought, Errancy, and Desire, ed. Babette Babich (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996), pp. 267-75.
- "Infestations: The Religion of the Death of God and Scott's Ascetic Ideal," Research in Phenomenology, 25 (1995): 261-68.
- "Bedevilling the Tradition: Deconstruction and Catholicism." In (Dis)continuity and (De)construction: Reflections on the Meaning of the Past in Crisis Situations. Ed. Josef Wissink. Kampen, The Netherlands: Pharos, 1995. Pp. 12-35.
- "Reason, History and a Little Madness: Towards a Hermeneutics of the Kingdom," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 68 (1994): 27-44.
- "Sorge and kardia: The Hermeneutics of Factical Life and the Categories of the Heart," Reading Heidegger From the Start: Essays in His Earliest Thought, Eds. Theodore Kisiel and John van Buren (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994), pp. 327-343.
- "The Age of Repetition," Southern Journal of Philosophy, 32, Supplement (1994): 171-177.
- "The Good News About Alterity: Derrida and Theology," Faith and Philosophy, 10 (1993): 453-470.
- "Heidegger, Kierkegaard and the Foundering of Metaphysics," International Kierkegaard Commentary, Vol. 6: "Fear and Trembling" and "Repetition", ed. Robert Perkins (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1993), pp. 201-224.
- "In Search of the Quasi-Transcendental: The Case of Derrida and Rorty," Working Through Derrida, ed. Gary Madison (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1993), pp. 147-169.
- "On Not Knowing Who We Are: Foucault and the Night of Truth," in Foucault and the Critique of Institutions (above).
- "Heidegger and Theology," The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger, ed. Charles Guignon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. 270-288.
- "Meister Eckhart and the Later Heidegger: the Mystical Element in Heidegger’s Thought,” in Martin Heidegger: Critical Assessments, ed. Christopher Macann (London: Routledge, 1992), pp. 130-178, reprint of:"Meister Eckhart and the Later Heidegger, Part I," The Journal of the History of Philosophy, 12 (1974), 479-94; Part II: 13 (1975), 61-80.
- "The Poetics of Suffering and the Deconstruction of Ethics," Joyful Wisdom: Sorrow and an Ethics of Joy, Studies in Postmodern Ethics, Vol. 2 (St. Catharine's, Ontario: Thought House Publishing Group, 1992), pp. 200-224.
- "How to Avoid Speaking of God: The Violence of Natural Theology," in The Prospects for Natural Theology, ed. Eugene Long (Catholic University of American Press, 1992), pp. 128-150.
- "Spirit and Danger," in Ethics and Danger, eds. Charles Scott and Arleen Dallery (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992), pp. 43-59.
- "The Difficulty of Life: A Response to Ronald McKinney," Journal of Value Inquiry, 26 (1992): 561-564.
- "Heidegger's Scandal: Thinking and the Essence of the Victim," in The Heidegger Case: On Philosophy and Politics, eds. Tom Rockmore and Joseph Margolis (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992), pp. 265-281.
- "Hyperbolic Justice: Deconstruction, Myth and Politics," Research in Phenomenology 21 (1991): 3-20.
- "Deconstructing Institutions: A Reply to Dauenhauer," Human Studies 14 (1991): 331-337.
- "Heidegger's Kampf: The Difficulty of Life," Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 14,2 - 15,1 (1991): 61-83.
- "Incarnation and Essentialism: A Reading of Heidegger," Philosophy Today 35 (1991): 32-42.
- "Deconstructing the Rahnerian Bridge: Heidegger and Aquinas," Philosophy and Theology (1991), Disk Supplement.
- "Hermeneutics and Faith: A Reply to Prof. Olthuis," Christian Scholars Review 20 (December, 1990), 164-70.
- "Thinking, Poetry and Pain," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 27 (Supplement) (1990), 155-82.
- "Radical Hermeneutics and Religious Truth: The Case of Sheehan and Schillebeeckx," in Phenomenology of the Truth Proper to Religion, ed. Dan Guerriere (Albany: SUNY Press, 1990), pp. 146-172.
- "Derrida and the Study of Religion: (with Charles Winquist), Religious Studies Review, 16 (January, 1990), 19-25.
- "Towards an American Pragrammatology: A Response to Prof. Sallis," Man and World, 22 (1989), 257-60.
- "Mysticism and Transgression: Derrida and Meister Eckhart," Continental Philosophy, II (1989), 24-39.
- "Gadamer's Closet Essentialism: A Derridean Critique," in Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter, ed. Richard Palmer (Albany: SUNY Press, 1989), 258-64.
- "An Ethics of Dissemination," in The Ethics of the Other, ed. Charles Scott (Albany: SUNY Press, 1989), 55-62.
- "Presidential Address: "Radical Hermeneutics and the Human Condition," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 61 (1988), 2-15.
- "On Mystical and Other Phenomena," in Phenomenology in America, ed. Calvin Schrag (Dordrecht: Reidel Pub. Co. 1998) pp. 318-22.
- "Demythologizing Heidegger: Aletheia and the History of Being," The Review of Metaphysics, 41 (March, 1988), 519-46. German translation: Heidegger Entmythologigisieren: Aletheia und die Seinsgeschichte ," trans. Michael Eldred, in Twisting Heidegger: Drehversuche paradistishchen Denkens, ed. Michael Eldred (Cuxhaven: Junghans-Verlag, 1993), pp. 66-91.
- "Beyond Aestheticism: Derrida's Responsible Anarchy," Research in Phenomenology, 18 (1988), 59-73.
- "From the Deconstruction of Hermeneutics to the Hermeneutics of Deconstruction," in The Horizons of Continental Philosophy: Essays on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty, ed. Hugh Silverman (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1988), pp. 190-202.
- "Being and the Mystery of the Person," in The Universe as Journey: Conversations with Norris Clarke, ed. Gerald McCool (New York: Fordham University Press, 1988), pp. 93-113.
- "Modernity and the End of Philosophy in Being and Time," in Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Lectures and Essays, ed. Joseph Kockelmans (Washington: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and Univ. Press of American, 1988), pp. 81-90.
- "Derrida: A Kind of Philosopher," Research in Phenomenology, 17 (1987), 245-59.
- "The Economy of Signs in Husserl and Derrida: From Uselessness to Full Employment," in Deconstruction and Philosophy, ed. John Sallis (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987), pp. 99-113.
- "Telling Left from Right: Hermeneutics, Deconstruction, and the Work of Art," Journal of Philosophy, 83 (1986), 678-85.
- "Radical Hermeneutics: Repetition, Deconstruction, and the Hermeneutic Project," Philosophy Today, 30 (1986), 271-77.
- "Cold Hermeneutics: Heidegger and Derrida," Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 17 (1986), 252-75.
- "Heidegger's Philosophy of Science," Rationality, Relativism and the Human Sciences, ed. J. Margolis (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1986), pp. 43-60.
- "A Phenomenology of Moral Sensibility," in Act and Agent, ed. G. McLean (Washington: Univ. Press of America, 1986), pp. 199-22.
- "Three Transgressions: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida," Research in Phenomenology, 15 (1985), 61-78.
- "From the Primordiality of Absence to the Absence of Primordiality," in Hermeneutics and Deconstruction, ed. Hugh Silverman (Albany: SUNY, 1985), pp. 191-200.
- "'Supposing Truth to be a Woman...': Heidegger, Nietzsche, Derrida," Tulane Studies in Philosophy, 32 (1984), 15-22.
- "Prudential Insight and Moral Reasoning," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Society 58 (1984), 50-55.
- "Husserl, Heidegger, and the Question of a Hermeneutic Phenomenology," Husserl Studies I (1984), 157-58. Reprinted in A Companion to Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time", Current Continental Research, No. 550, ed. Joseph Kockelmans (Washington: University Press of America, 1986), pp. 104-26.
- "Kant's Ethics in Phenomenological Perspective," in Kant and Phenomenology, ed. T. Seebohm (Washington: Univ. Press of America, 1984), pp. 129-46.
- "The Thought of Being and the Conversation of Mankind: The Case of Heidegger and Rorty," Review of Metaphysics, 36 (1983), 661-87; reprinted in Hermeneutics and Praxis, ed. Robert Hollinger (Notre Dame: University Press, 1985), pp. 248-71.
- "Heidegger's God and the Lord of History," The New Scholasticism 57 (1983), 439-64.
- Hermeneutics As the Recovery of Man," Man and World 15 (1982), 343-67; Reprinted in Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy, ed. Brice Wachterhauser (Albany: SUNY Press, 1986), 416-45.
- "Metaphysics, Finitude and Kant's Illusion of Practical Reason," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 56 (1982), 87-94.
- "Heidegger and Aquinas," Philosophy Today, 26 (1982), 194-203.
- "Poverty of Thought: Heidegger and Eckhart," in Heidegger: The Man and the Thinker, ed. T. Sheehan (Chicago: Precedent Press, 1981), pp. 209-16.
- "Heidegger's Dif-ference and the ens / esse Distinction in Aquinas," International Philosophical Quarterly 20 (1980), 161-81.
- "The Presence of Others: A Phenomenology of the Person," Proceedings of American Catholic Philosophical Association 53 (1979): 45-58.
- "Transcendence and the Transcendental in Husserl's Phenomenology," Philosophy Today, 23 (1979): 205-16.
- "Fundamental Themes in Eckhart's Mysticism," The Thomist 42 (1978): 197-225.
- "The Question of Being and Transcendental Phenomenology: Husserl and Heidegger," Research in Phenomenology, 7 (1977), 84-105.
- "The Problem of Being in Heidegger and Aquinas," The Thomist 41 (1977), 62-91.
- "The Principle of Sufficient Reason: A Heideggerian Self-Criticism," Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (1975), 419-26.
- "The Nothingness of the Intellect in Eckhart's Parisian Questions," The Thomist 39 (1975), 85-115.
- "Meister Eckhart and the Later Heidegger, Part I," The Journal of the History of Philosophy, 12 (1974), 479-94; Part II: 13 (1975), 61-80.
- "Kant's Refutation of the Ontological Argument," Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 42 (1974), 686-91.
- "Phenomenology, Mysticism and the Grammatica Speculativa," Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 5 (1974), 101-17.
- "Time and Being in Heidegger," The Modern Schoolman, 50 (1973), 325-59.
- "The Rose in Without Why: The Later Heidegger," Philosophy Today, 15 (1971), 3-15.
- "Heidegger's Original Ethics," New Scholasticism, 45 (1971), 127-38.
- "Being, Ground and Play in Heidegger," Man and World, 3 (1970), 26-48.
- On Religion, eds. Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 68:1 (March, 2000):171-174.
- "Feature Review of James Marsh, Post-Cartesian Meditations," International Philosophical Quarterly, 30 (1990): 101-107.
- "Horizontal Hermeneutics and Beyond: Nicholson's Seeing and Reading," Research in Phenomenology, 16 (1986): 211-17.
- "Horizonal Hermeneutics and It Delimitation" (Symposium on Nicholson's Seeing and Reading)," Man and World, 19 (1986): 241-51.
- "Morality and the Foundations of a Phenomenological Ethics," Research in Phenomenology, 15 (1985): 269-78.
- "Language, Logic, and Time: Heidegger's Frühe Schriften," Research in Phenomenology, 3 (1973): 147-56.