Orange Alert

Physics Student Highlights

Posted on: Dec. 15, 2021

Read about the latest thesis defenses, awards and news highlights from students in the Department of Physics.

Awards and Recognitions

Catherine Campbell presenting at a poster session.

Catherine Campbell, medicinal chemistry and physics major, is one of 12 undergraduate students awarded WiSE research summer funds.

Maxx Swoger portrait.

Physics graduate student Maxx Swoger won a Best Poster award at the Physics of Cancer Symposium. The event was held in Leipzig, Germany and Maxx attended virtually. He received a cash prize for his accomplishment.

Physics graduate alumna Eva Nesbit is now a visiting assistant professor at Kenyon College.

Undergraduate physics majors Ava Breitbeck, Matt Cufari and Hong Boem Lee were awarded grants from the SOURCE or Honors Program for their research.

In the News

Sarthak Gupta

Physics graduate student Sarthak Gupta, working with Professors Alison Patteson and Jennifer Schwarz, has new work published in the New Journal of Physics. The college communications office wrote a story about their work.

Undergraduate physics major Matthew Cufari and Professor Eric Coughlin had a new paper accepted in the Astrophysical Journal. The paper discusses how a star is destroyed by a black hole when the star is in an elliptic or hyperbolic orbit about the black hole. They showed that such tidal disruption events can have quite interesting properties depending on the orbital parameters of the star. The paper can be viewed now on arXiv.