Orange Alert

Nominees Sought for Strategic Planning Working Groups

All nominations must be submitted by December 5

Nov. 21, 2016, by Robert M Enslin


The College of Arts and Sciences this fall launched a process to develop a five-year strategic plan framed around the theme of liberal arts education as the best preparation for a career in the 21st century and positioning the College of Arts and Sciences as the major research and scholarship hub on campus.

As part of the planning process, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee seeks nominations for faculty, staff, and student representatives to serve on working groups charged with collecting data and developing findings on three interconnected areas: Educational Excellence, Discovery and Research, and Inclusivity. The findings of these three working groups will inform the shape and content of the final plan.

Undertaken at the request of Chancellor Kent Syverud and Provost Michele Wheatly and led by Dean Karin Ruhlandt, the planning process will focus on developing a plan that aligns with the goals implicit in the recently reframed college mission statement: “As the liberal arts college at the center of a major research institution, the College of Arts and Sciences stands as the intellectual heart and soul of Syracuse University, providing a highly personalized academic experience. The college prepares each student for success as a citizen of the world through disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching and learning, research, scholarship, and service on campus and around the world.”

The working groups will cover a wide range of academic experience at every level of the college. Topics for discussion by the Discovery and Research group might include, among others: graduate education, faculty research, salaries, endowed chairs, research support, the Humanities Center, library, workspaces, digital humanities, and communications. Topics for discussion by the Educational Excellence group might include, among others: undergraduate education, admissions, the Honors Program, national and international scholarship programs, the first-year experience, physical environment and facilities, and relationships with the Maxwell School. Topics for discussion by the Inclusivity group might include, among others: veterans; racial and ethnic diversity among faculty, staff, and students; access for people with disabilities; LGBT issues; international students and faculty; overseas presence; and global reach.

Each group will include faculty, staff, and student representatives, and their work will help assure the success of the plan and, by extension, a successful future for the college.

Persons may nominate themselves or others, and all nominations must be submitted by December 5. Nominations should be submitted via e-mail to Kathryn Zubal-Strang at

Media Contact

Robert M Enslin